
Achievement in Children

Parenting is much more art than science, and sometimes when you least expect it, you are left in your chair with a lump in your throat, watery eyes and a flash moment that takes your breath away.

You set out, hoping to raise a good human being who aspires to follow their own path within a set of expected constraints (some parental, others school-imposed).  Some children are tremendous athletes - they swing sticks and rackets and have the foot savvy of a seasoned professional from the time they are three.  Some have tender hearts that cultivate caringness.  Still others are academically or musically inclined finding their own rhythm to text, notes and numbers.  Each and every human being has a unique set of gifts they bring to the world, even when challenges come in other areas.   You encourage them in daily life, dust them off when they fail and give them grand tuck-ins with love and a story at bedtime.

Yesterday, I was introduced to something I wasn't aware of about my children.  During our parent/teacher conference, the teachers shared that the class had been working on story development for MCAS testing, and wanted to indulge us with a bit of prose from their stories.   My son's was titled, "Everything a Third Grader Should Do" and my daughter's was simply, "Easter".  As the teacher read each word of opening exposition, imaginative description and charming dialogue from their work - I envisioned my children seated at their school desks, pencils tapping and eyes turned towards thought of the next sentence they were creating.  I didn't know quite what to say when she was finished reading, except to clear my throat and smile so that I wouldn't cry.   Those beautiful, little minds...I love them so much.

photo via thesteward

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